“I Know What I Want…” – 2015/10/08

It is always a challenge to invite visually impaired people (VIP) to step out of their home and work. Some of the reasons are having low self-esteem toward themselves for being a visually impaired; lacking of confidence to achieve their dream; and convince that they cannot work and contribute back to the society due to their disability. Continue reading ““I Know What I Want…” – 2015/10/08”

陳弟兄受浸見証(Brother Chan’s Testimony) – 2015/04/16

在我未信主前,我是一個很自我人,不懂得去愛人,婚後也不愉快,最終也離婚收場.從此事帶來人生很大的打擊,意志消沉,慢慢健康也出現問題,視力有初步困難,但感恩的我有機會聽聞主的救恩,初信時;信心不足,生活仍是浮浮沉沉,人生失去方向,終日心裡充滿埋怨,其後視力仍繼續惡化,到了最近因近乎全肓,在此絕望中我便認識了Rev Danny Leung他是一個基督教組織肓人事工的負責人,他對我有許多信仰輔導,幫助我切底認識自己的罪,要靠主遠離罪,走進一個光明的人生,我現在人生重新拾回做人的方向,走出自己自憐的光境,參與Gibson中心裡開始的文化咖啡廊的工作,今後我願意努力認識主,帶著主給我的召命與Rev Danny一同服侍一群與我們一樣遭遇的人.

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