Cultural Cafe 推出VIP特色賀年食品 – 2022/01/10

2 red package of cookies above round walnut rice cake

農曆新年怎少得年糕,一如既往,今年 105 Gibson Cultural Cafe 繼續推出VIP特式焗年糕,年糕外表焗得金黃酥脆,內裏輭輭糯糯,外脆內軟非常好食,加上原粒紅豆和合桃,令你一吃就停不了口。

說到新年應節食品,除了糕點之外,還有傳統的中式曲奇餅合桃酥。原因除了因為外觀精巧討好之外,也有著全家和洽的寓意。合桃酥色澤金黃、口感酥脆,啖啖充滿合桃香味,大人小朋友一定會喜歡,送禮自用皆相宜。此外,VIP椰香焗年糕現在正式發售! 椰香焗年糕散發淡淡椰子香味,香甜適中。


晨鳥優惠價 :
VIP 特色焗年糕 $13.99
VIP 椰香焗年糕 $14.99
酥脆合桃酥 $8.88

歡迎登入網上訂購或致電 (647) 771-5282

衷心多謝你們支持JBVC 事工及視障人仕用心的出品。祝大家新年蒙福!

Crunchy walnut cookies freshly baked with premium ingredients. So delicious it will put a smile on everyone’s face. Best treats for the festive Chinese New Year!!

VIP Baked Signature Rice Cake and Coconut Rice Cake (Nian Gao) are now launching. It is made for the Lunar New Year celebration in hopes of a good year ahead. It is often given as a gift when visiting friends and family during the holiday.

Early Bird Special :
VIP Signature Rice Cake $13.99
VIP Coconut Rice Cake $14.99
Chinese Walnut Cookies $8.88

Available to order online or call (647)771-5282.

Thank you for your support to JBVC ministry. May God bless you!