黑暗中的聲音 The Darkness & The Sound – 2022/12/17



日期: 2022年12月17日(星期六)
時間: 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
地點: JBVC Café, 105 Gibson Drive, Markham
收費: $15(包括小食及飲品一杯)
語言: 廣東話


網上報名 https://joy-beyond-vision-community.square.site/, 或致電或 WhatsApp (647)771-5282

查詢請電:(647) 771-5282 或 WhatsApp 留言


Have you ever wondered how you can still enjoy food with other senses when you are visually impaired?  What does it feel like to suffer from different degrees of eye disease?  If you want to experience it for yourself, this event is for you!

For this experience, you will try to eat while wearing special glasses to simulate having various types of eye disease. Our team of visually impaired people will also be there to share some music with us.  Come and sing with us, enjoy with us!!

Date:     Saturday, December 17th, 2022
Time: 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Venue: JBVC Café, 105 Gibson Drive, Markham
Fee:    $15 (includes snacks and a drink)
Language: Cantonese

https://joy-beyond-vision-community.square.site/, or call/WhatsApp (647)771-5282

For inquiry:(647) 771-5282 or WhatsApp

*Please let us know if you have any special dietary needs or food allergies.

Image describing a microphone with stand in darkness projected by a beam of light

茶。聚 – 2022/11/12


11月12日(星期六)下午1:30-3:00 於105 Gibson JBVC Cafe,我們繼續以茶會友.




查詢請電:(647) 771-5282 / WhatsApp 留言

Hong Kong style milk tea is a delicious drink originated from Hong Kong. Now, you can make this iconic drink right at home !

Come and meet us at JBVC café (105 Gibson Center) on November 12th (Saturday) from 1:30-3:00pm and let Pastor Danny Leung explain to you how to properly enjoy a cup of Hong Kong style milk tea. He will also show you how you can make a perfect cup of milk tea at home.

Admission is $10 and participants will receive a Hong Kong style milk tea gift pack ($11 value). You will also get a 10% discount on purchase of tea product at the event.

To register:

For enquiries, please call: (647) 771-5282 / WhatsApp message

A black pot of red tea pouring into a white mug with the a chinese text, Kamcha king

愛心之光慈善音樂之夜 – 2022/09/17

康善之友於九月十七日星期六下午六時在Fairview Library Theatre 舉辦「愛心之光慈善音樂之夜」。是次演出的受惠機構為樂明視障團,節目豐富,有歌唱、古筝和舞蹈表演,歡迎大家踴躍購票莅臨欣賞。

如欲購票或查詢請根據海報上的電話聯絡主辧單位,或致電 JBVC Cafe (647) 771-5282,多謝大家支持!


Poster image of the Light of Love charity musical show which displays the venue, time, program of the show as well as the introduction of the MC and the performers

樂明視障團8週年感恩見証分享會 – 2022/08/06

PoImage of poster that provide information of the JBVC 8 year anniversary celebration event


我們鼓勵大家到時帶備一份罐頭來捐贈給105 Gibson Centre 食物銀行, 以供給有需要的人,謝謝各位的愛心施與!

愛的呼喚佈道會 – 2022/05/14

Image describing 4 VIPs meeting in a church and with the word JBVC The Cry Of Love

樂明視障團誠意邀請你和你的家人朋友, 參加愛的呼喚網上佈道會。


是次聚會採用Zoom進行, 不設密碼

聚會連結: https://zoom.us/j/455684270
聚會ID: 455 684 270

查詢請電: 647.558.5282 或 WhatsApp 留言


母親節特別禮物 Mama I love you! – 2022/04/18

母親節快樂 !! 今年就讓我們為你預備一份特別禮物送給你至愛的媽媽 – 由視障人士全人手焗製的點字曲奇!

每一塊曲奇都代表着一個英文字母,砌在一起對照凸字解碼表,就可以解開當中的訊息 “Mama I love you” 。今年的母親節,以點字曲奇傳達心意,別具心思和意義。


口味: 檸檬/伯爵茶/咖啡



105 Gibson Cultural Café


Happy Mother’s Day!  For this year Mother’s Day, we have prepared a special gift for you to present to your beloved mom ~ Braille Cookies hand made by visually impaired people (VIP). Each cookie contains a Braille character which present a message for mom. You can use the reference table to unravel the hidden message of “Mama I love you”.
This Mother’s Day, send mom your thoughts and a special message with Braille Cookies.

12 Piece Gift Box 
Favors: Earl Grey / Coffee / Lemon

Price: $22

Pickup Date: May 5th – 7th (Thur, Fri, Sat)

Pickup Location: 105 Gibson Cultural Café

Limited quantities available. Please order online:

A blue box of braille cookies wrapped with a rose ribbon with a red and black wooden block behind reads "Give Thanks"
Image describing a box of flavoured cookies representing different braille characters along with an alphabet braille card with text reads "these cookies present a special message decode yours"

暗中夜宴 Dining in the Dark – 2022/04/23


日期: 2022年4月23日 (星期六)
時間: 下午六時至八時半
地點: YES Cafe
22 Esna Park Drive., Markham
食物: 供應西餐,所有菜式都會保持神秘。若有特別飲食需要或食物敏感,請通知主辦單位,以便作出適當安排。
晚宴價錢: 六人枱 $300
報名及查詢: Email:  alan.chow@jbvc.ca
Phone: (647) 558-5282
WhatsApp: (647) 771-5282


Image of Dine in the dark poster with a plate, a knife, a fork and brief description

咖啡廊最新營業時間 – 2022/03/01

從三月一日起,105 Gibson Cultural Cafe 營業時間如下:
12:00 PM – 4:30 PM

11:00 AM – 4:00 PM

We are pleased to announce that starting from March 01, cafe will extended our operating hours from 12 PM to 4:30 PM, Tuesday to Friday.
And the first Saturday of the month, 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

We thank you for your continued support and look forward to serving you.

Photograph of a hand holding a stick of curry fish ball, with a cup of HK milk tea and waffles of different flavours