7/13 FUN-Raising Tournament event photos

Thank you all for taking time from your busy schedules to support our FUN-raising Tournament on Saturday July 13, 2024, at Richmond Green Park. Your presence marked the successful beginning of our fundraising efforts.

Special thanks to all of our special guests and sponsors, and to the City of Richmond Hill for allowing us to host the event. We extend our gratitude to our volunteers who ensured the event ran smoothly. We thank God for the wonderful weather and for keeping everyone safe.

Although the event on Saturday has concluded, the fundraising efforts of JBVC have just begun!
Please continue to support JBVC’s biennial fundraising by using the following link: go.jbvc.vip/charitable-impact

We also look forward to seeing you again at the 10th Anniversary Thanksgiving Gala in October!
Additionally, you can purchase handmade aroma stones by our visually impaired members online:

Our greatest gratitude to our sponsors:

  1. Title Sponsor:
    BrokerTeam Insurance Solutions Inc.
  2. Platinum Sponsor:
    Best Deal Print & Packaging
  3. Gold Sponsor:
    Fractal CMO
  4. Silver Sponsor:
    Mocaroma Canada Ltd – 樂滿家
    Shanghai ONE Fine Dining 外滩壹号     
    iTalkBB Canada
    Ai Sushi

Thank you all sincerely.

香港人市集 + 福音聚會 – 2024/07/06

Poster of HK market event at TCCC


  1. 香港人市集 (港式小食、手工、攤位… )😋
  2. 一個為香港人而設既聚會


    日期: 7月6日(六)
    時間: 5pm 福音聚會,3:30-5pm, 6:30-8pm市集
    地點: 多倫多華基教會 (100 Acadia, Markham)
    詳情請登入: https://www.instagram.com/p/C8dxrOaOsjW/?igsh=aWExZmNvNHpnendo

視障人士手作香氛石 Handcrafted Aroma Stone by Our VIPs

我們的視障參與者(VIPs)用心手工製作了美麗的香氛石義賣,每一塊都展示了他們的非凡能力和無限心血。每個包裹包括一個精美的香氛石和一瓶3ml的全天然有機精油,這些精油是由我們經驗豐富的志願者特別調配,品質極佳。請支持JBVC 今年的籌款活動。

We are thrilled to announce that our visually impaired participants (VIPs) have dedicated their time and talent to handcraft beautiful aroma stones as part of our fundraising campaign. Each stone showcases their remarkable ability and heartfelt effort. Each package includes a beautifully crafted aroma stone and a 3ml bottle of premium, organic essential oil, expertly blended by our experienced volunteers.

Support JBVC and witness the incredible dedication of our VIPs.

樂明視障團2024年籌款活動 – 7/13 & 10/20

Fun raising tournament poster for JBVC fundraising 2024

樂明視障團2024年將於烈市和萬錦市舉辦以下兩項籌款活動, 敬請預留時間慷慨支持!

Summer Fun-Raising Tournament 籌款競賽
日期: 星期六7月13日
時間: 上午9點半至下午12點半
地點: Richmond Green Park, 1300 Elgin Mills Road East, Richmond Hill
節目: 障礙競技賽,攤位遊戲

Fundraising Gala 籌款晚會
日期: 星期日10月20日
時間: 上午6點至下午9點半
地點: 金廷宴, 3225 Hwy 7 Unit 1, Markham


身心靈系列1:「每逢佳節倍思親」講座 – 2024/02/17

主題:      2024身心靈系列1:「每逢佳節倍思親」
講員: 麥綺薇女士Jessie Mak (中信中心註册臨床輔導員)
日期:     2024年2月17日(星期六)
時間: 加拿大西岸上午10:30至中午12:00(包括講座及Q&A問答時間)
地點: 本拿比中信中心
Crystal Mall, 2nd Floor
4533 Kingsborough St.
Burnaby, B.C. V5H 4V3
內容:    在充滿節日氣氛的日子裏,卻感到莫名的孤單或難過?如何能從不同的環境和際遇中,跳出負面的框框?
對象: 歡迎視障人士 “visually impaired people (VIP)” 及家人和朋友參與
報名方法: 網上報名

如有查詢可聯絡: info@jbvc.ca
或致電 (604) 446-6386
或 (647) 558-5282 Ext. 101

Let’s Jam2Gether! 大家齊來 Jam 歌

Image describing a microphone on a desk

日期: 2023 年 9 月 23 日時間:下午 3 點地點: 105 Gibson Centre,102 號房間誠意邀請您, 參與我哋這個音樂籌款活動。接近 100 首歌曲任您點, 任您 jam!  歡迎您在點歌或與不同樂隊 jam 歌嘅同時, 一邊唱, 一邊捐款, 讓我哋可以透過音樂來團結一心, 支持 JBVC 為 VIP (視障人士) 所準備的未來發展計劃。🎤   您亦可以免費入場, 欣賞來自 5 隊熱愛音樂人仕所組成的音樂團體嘅精彩演出,當中包括 JBVC 的 VIP 嘅出色才藝表演。歡迎大家一齊輕鬆愉快地來參與這個音樂活動, 同時亦可以品嚐到由 JBVC Cafe 的 VIP 所精心炮製出來的美味小食。如有查詢, 請發送電子郵件到 info@jbvc.ca , 或 WhatsApp (647)558-5282.很想立即支持 JBVC 為 VIP 創造新未來 ?  您可以在 go.jbvc.ca/make-donations 網站上立即進行捐獻 !  🎵  就約定你在 9 月 23 日一齊來點歌, Jam 歌, 不 “唱” 不快!







時間:下午 3:00
查詢:Tommy Chu (604.446.6386)

Handcraft Coffee Workshop 精品咖啡.嚐味工作坊

There are three cups with coffee in this picture.

Attention coffee lovers! Join our handcraft coffee workshop. Professionally recognized instructor Christy will teach us to taste coffee and experience the echo and connection between coffee and daily food.

此工作坊是學習品味咖啡的第一步!專業認可導師 Christy會教導我們通過不同食物的分辨訓練,從味覺、嗅覺去體會咖啡跟日常食物的呼應以及聯繫,讓我們更加瞭解並欣賞不同咖啡的獨有風味及味道。

Christy Hui

Co-Founder and Roaster at Beneath Coffee Roastery
Coffee Consultant at Trois Café HK
SCA Professional Sensory

Date: July 8th, 2023
Time: 1:30-3:30pm
105 Gibson Center, JBVC cafe
Language: Cantonese
Fee: $10
Registration/ 報名