




時間:下午 3:00
查詢:Tommy Chu (604.446.6386)

Handcraft Coffee Workshop 精品咖啡.嚐味工作坊

There are three cups with coffee in this picture.

Attention coffee lovers! Join our handcraft coffee workshop. Professionally recognized instructor Christy will teach us to taste coffee and experience the echo and connection between coffee and daily food.

此工作坊是學習品味咖啡的第一步!專業認可導師 Christy會教導我們通過不同食物的分辨訓練,從味覺、嗅覺去體會咖啡跟日常食物的呼應以及聯繫,讓我們更加瞭解並欣賞不同咖啡的獨有風味及味道。

Christy Hui

Co-Founder and Roaster at Beneath Coffee Roastery
Coffee Consultant at Trois Café HK
SCA Professional Sensory

Date: July 8th, 2023
Time: 1:30-3:30pm
105 Gibson Center, JBVC cafe
Language: Cantonese
Fee: $10
Registration/ 報名

We2Jam Part 4 “Living Attitude”

A person is playing a guitar in this picture.

Please join us for We2Jam Part 4 “Living Attitude”.
Welcome to bring an instrument and listen, enjoy a cup of beverage served by visually impaired people and Jam with us.

Date: June 24, 2023
Time: 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Location: 105 Gibson Center, JBVC café
Language: Cantonese

喜歡音樂的您,邀請你加入我們的 We2Jam,六月份歌曲主題是 “生活態度”。不但有音樂人現場唱歌,更歡迎帶上自己樂器和我們一同Jam歌。

We2Jam Live Performance (Part 3) – 2023/05/27

Please join us for We2Jam Part 3 “LOVE”.
Welcome to bring an instrument and listen, enjoy a cup of beverage served by visually impaired people and Jam with us.

Date: May 27, 2023
Time: 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Location: 105 Gibson Center, JBVC café
Language: Cantonese

喜歡音樂的您,邀請你加入我們的 We2Jam,五月份歌曲主題是 “愛”。不但有音樂人現場唱歌,更歡迎帶上自己樂器和我們一同Jam歌。

We2Jam Live Performance Part 3

《 如何防止眼疾》講座 – 2023/05/27

《 如何防止眼疾》講座


樂明視障團將於5月27日西岸早上11時(東岸下午2時)於網上舉行關於眼部護理的講座。是次榮幸邀請了在大溫地區就醫的金志芳眼醫(Dr. Willette King)與我們分享及解答問題。歡迎任何對於眼部護理這題目有興趣的人仕按此連結報名參加:



  • 什麼因素會影響眼睛的健康?例如:藍光、陽光、過度使用電腦螢幕、飲食等等?
  • 我們如何自行察覺視力下降的症狀?
  • 有沒有任何器材/裝備(例如鏡片),可以幫助保護我們的眼睛?
  • 我們的眼睛應該多久去找專業人士檢查一次?


樂明和平福音短宣 JBVC Mission Trip – 2023/06/02 – 2023/06/04

Poster of CCM Life Reborn Preaching event with an eagle on top

「得自由, 得釋放」粵語工作坊




JBVC Peace Mission team, a group of 5 (2 VIP & 3 volunteers) will have a peace mission trip in Montreal from June 2 to June 4, 2023. The team will do visitation, hold workshops at CCM’s cafe, sharing in evangelistic meeting and Sunday service. We are looking forward to meeting brothers and sisters from Montreal during our stay.

Please visit CCM Centre de Montréal Facebook page for details:
CCM Centre de Montréal 20th Anniversary event

Poster of CCM 20th Anniversary Thanksgiving Banquet with a picture of hand in hand forming a circle

點字曲奇工作坊 Braille Cookie Workshop – 2023/05/13


5月份我們將會介紹這種特別的文字,屆時還有產品介紹~點字曲奇 Braille Cookie製作。

日期:     2023年5月13日(星期六)
時間: 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
地點: JBVC Café, 105 Gibson Drive, Markham
活動內容:    認識視障人凸字
每組收費 $35 (自行組隊,每組二至四人)
語言: 廣東話、英文
年齡: 八歲以上


查詢請電:(647) 771-5282 或 WhatsApp 留言


Braille Cookie Workshop

Braille is a tactile writing system used by people who are visually impaired. The raised dot(s) can be read either on embossed paper or by using refreshable braille displays.. In May, we are thrill to introduce this special event along with a remarkable product ~ Braille Cookies.
Through each piece of hand-crafted cookie, you can express your thoughts in Braille and create your own personal box of Braille cookies!

Date:     Saturday, May 13th, 2023
Time: 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Location: JBVC Café, 105 Gibson Drive, Markham
Activities:    Understanding the meaning about each raised dot(s)
Demonstrates Braille cookie making
In a group setting to complete handcrafted Braille cookies (12 pieces)
$35 / group, 2 to 4 participants in a team
Language: Cantonese, English
Age: 8 years old and above

To register

For inquiry:(647) 771-5282 or WhatsApp

Note: If the number of applicants is insufficient and it is necessary to cancel the course, an email notification will be sent or the customer will be contacted by phone about the cancellation of the course no less than 3 days before the class.

Image describing a batch of braille cookies to be baked, with a hand putting chocolate chip which represent braille dot on top of a cookie