視障人士手作香氛石 Handcrafted Aroma Stone by Our VIPs

我們的視障參與者(VIPs)用心手工製作了美麗的香氛石義賣,每一塊都展示了他們的非凡能力和無限心血。每個包裹包括一個精美的香氛石和一瓶3ml的全天然有機精油,這些精油是由我們經驗豐富的志願者特別調配,品質極佳。請支持JBVC 今年的籌款活動。

We are thrilled to announce that our visually impaired participants (VIPs) have dedicated their time and talent to handcraft beautiful aroma stones as part of our fundraising campaign. Each stone showcases their remarkable ability and heartfelt effort. Each package includes a beautifully crafted aroma stone and a 3ml bottle of premium, organic essential oil, expertly blended by our experienced volunteers.

Support JBVC and witness the incredible dedication of our VIPs.